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Syclone Instant Hot Water System



INTRODUCTION: The present range of Syclone water heaters embody the refinements of three decades of South African manufacture . Presently there are only three easy to replace, working components in the heater.


* Hot water storage for occasional demand , is not only costly but often   unnecessary.

* The Syclone saver heaters are simple to install , and operate.

* The systems supply continuous heated water , at low cost.

* The Syclone system is an effective alternative to geyser installation , where a single outlet supplementary supply is required.

* Only water used is heated , no hot water storage or reheating costs .

* Adapts to any mains water pressure due to the flow being controlled at the inlet point.

* Savings of heated water of approx  8 -10 litres per minute can be achieved.

* Spares and backup service available in South Africa.

SKU: 400621 Category:


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